kontakt macplanet med nyheder og kommentarer: redaktion2007 (snabel-a) macplanet (punktum) dk
Debatforum: dk.edb.mac - Køb & Salg: dk.marked.privat.edb.mac - Mac IRC chat: #macintosh (netværk:
20 FTP (File Transfer Protocol - data)
21 FTP (control)
22 SSH (Secure SHell)
23 Telnet
25 SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol - email delivery)
53 DNS (Domain Name Server)
70 Gopher (little annoying animal)
79 Finger
80 HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol - Web browsing)
88 Kerberos
110 POP3/APOP (Post Office Protocol - email retrieval)
115 SFTP (Secure FTP)
119 NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol - USENET)
137 NetBIOS-NS/WINS (Windows Internet Naming Service - UDP)
138 NetBIOS-DS (Datagram Service - UDP)
139 SMB/NetBIOS-ssn (Server Message Block + WinNuke :D)
143 IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol - email retrieval)
145 CIFS/SMB (Windows XP file sharing)
161 SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
311 AppleShare IP WebAdmin (for Mac OS Fileserving)
389 LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
427 SLP (Service Location Protocol - Mac Network Browser)
443 SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) + HTTPS (HTTP Secure)
515 LPR (Line Printer)/LPD (Line Printer Daemon) - printer sharing
540 UUCP (obsolete, but still unsafe)
548 AFP over TCP (Apple Filing Protocol)
554 RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol - for QuickTime streaming)
625 DSP (Directory Service Proxy)
626 ASIA (AppleShare Imap Admin)
631 Internet Printing Protocol (IPP)
660 MacOS Server Admin
687 AppleShare IP Registry
1220 QuickTime Server Admin
1723 PPTP (VPN admin)
2049 NFS (Network/Nightmare File System)
2236 Macintosh Manager
2401 CVS (Concurrent Version System)
3031 Remote AppleEvents
3283 Apple Net Assistant (for Remote Desktop 2.x)
3659 SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer)
3689 DAAP (Digital Audio Access Protocol - iTunes music sharing)
5190 AOL (America OnLine + AOL Instant Messenger + iChat)
5297 Rendezvous (MacOSX LAN device discovery)
5298 ditto
5900 VNC (Virtual Network Computing - remote control of computers)
6667 IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
31337 BackOrifice ;D
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